
The Burden

Over the years, as a minister, youth leader, apologist, writer, teacher, friend, neighbor, I have spent a great deal of time sharing and expounding upon God and His word.  In all occasions, I have sought to, studied, and prayed that I was giving the truth of the word to the best of my understanding.  It is a great responsibility that not just leaders have, but every bible believer has, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

It can truly be a difficult task with so many doctrines out there, so many different interpretations that seem almost contradictory to one another.  I've spent many years in debates over these differences.  I did so because somewhere within me lies this desire to want to know the right ways, and to be sure that I am sharing the truth with others.  I cannot imagine how I would feel if one day I discovered that I had led people astray.

My main goal and desire has never been to be right, or to uphold any church doctrines.  The most important thing on my heart that I want to share with others is the way to Jesus Christ and the salvation that He offers to all through His atoning death on the cross and His resurrection that allows us to have our sins forgiven and to be made right with our creator.  I want nothing more than to have others share in the joy of being reconciled with the Father through the Son. 

I also want to see believers living victoriously in Christ, learning to act and think as the Father.  To that end all scripture was given by inspiration of God and is profitable to that end of both salvation and living a holy life.  It is only through the power of the Holy spirit we receive at salvation that can empower us to do so.

It is a hard burden though.  There are many struggles.  You struggle with yourself, knowing how imperfect and unworthy you feel to carry out such a task.  You struggle with the enemy who throws out all sorts of confusing religious doctrines to muddy the waters.  You struggle with your emotions that desire so strongly for others to come to Jesus, and stay living in the way.  You worry about whether you yourself are teaching rightly.


I've only done these things on a small scale.  I can't imagine the weight of a mega church congregation all looking to you to steer them in the right direction and be the example they can all look to.  

We who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak the bible tells us.  Where do the strong go when they feel weak?  Where does the teacher go to get answers?  Sometimes the burden feels heavy.  I suppose that weight drives us to our knees where we can find answers and regain strength, lifting the burden so we can carry on. 

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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