
Turn It Around

We got a lot of problems in our nation right now.  I don't think I need to go through the list because most of us in this country have an idea.  Republicans blame democrats, democrats blame republicans, conservative v liberals, black/white/brown, men v women, You name it, there is a side and an opposite duking it out.  Meanwhile there is the 400 pound gorilla sitting in the room.  The Gorilla is sin.

Sin is something that for us humans comes natural.  Lying, cheating, stealing, hating, blaming, accusing, slander, violence, bloodshed...  it's there throughout our history as the human race.  In the times we live in now, many sins are not only tolerated but even celebrated.  There does not seem to be much holding back the sinfulness any longer.  It goes on unabated and the sinners just puff their cigars and swig their brandy snifters all while chuckling their way to the bank enriching themselves with worldly lusts at the expense of others without even the slightest twinge of a guilty conscience.

Sin is a destructive force.  It decays and rots things away.  It leads to disease and war, famines and unrest.  No good end comes to where sin reigns.  Anger, hatred, suffering, poverty, and revolution are just some of the consequences that can be expected when sin has settled into a culture and permeates the fabric of a nation.  It is characterized by self centeredness and self pleasure with a lack of caring about others. 

I paint a grim picture, yes, but we are in grim times where we are witnessing what I have said and more.  Our future looks even dimmer as the consequences of sin bury us ever deeper into chaos and anarchy.    We are near the edge of collapse.

What we are seeing is a result of our choice as a people to walk away from Yahweh, the God of the Bible.  We rose from a tiny little union of loosely confederated states to the greatest and richest nation in the history of the world based solely upon the principles of God found in scripture and extrapolated into the national culture.  God honors those who honor him. 

We have long ago left that path though, removing Bibles and prayer from the everyday teaching of our people.  We took God and unceremoniously dumped him into the trash bins of our society and decided we in our greatness no longer needed His divine blessing or protection.  We've spent the last 50 years removing every symbol of God from our town symbols and public places.  The creator of the universe is relegated to a Sunday morning service in which many of the congregants don't even know God's ways much less desire to follow them.

While up until this point this seems like just one big rant, but it isn't.  I am taking a brief look at the state of affairs as they are and considering how they might be fixed.  There is only one way that I know of, and that is a revival.  We as a people have to turn back from our wicked ways and commit ourselves to follow the Lord, and to do what he says to do.

It's funny how some people can't even stand to have the ten commandments in a courtroom, but if we would humble ourselves just a little and decide to follow them instead of trashing them, we would see a turnaround like no one has ever seen.  Is it so bad to tell the truth?  to honor parents?  to not go after the neighbors wife?  Isn't it best to have fair business dealings and not to cheat people? 

I suppose in our sinful nature that might be too much to ask of any individual.  We don't have to do this in our own strength though.  God will help us.  He will empower us to do what is right.  He will give us a new heart that will desire to do what is good in the sight of Yahweh.  We just have to acknowledge that we are screwed up, that sin controls us.

Once we come to that realization, we are then open to accept Gods fix for our sinful ways.  God came down in flesh and dwelt among men.  He lived a perfect life that we are unable to.  He was beaten and killed; a punishment that we deserve for our wrongdoing.  He took all of our guilt upon himself and offers to give us His righteousness in exchange so that we might be reconciled with our creator, Yahweh.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.  If you love him, keep his commands.  Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself.

The reward is far more long lasting than just seeing the repair of an earthly nation, but it comes with an eternal reward of spending eternity with our creator in a perfect place where sin and corruption do not exist.  There is no more pain, or sorrow.  The streets are made of gold and the gates of fine jewels.  A river of life runs through it.  It is hard to even imagine such a place.   No crimes, no hate, I don't know this for certain, but I don't even think there will be any dust bunnies collecting behind the sofa to have to clean up.  lol. 

The choice is yours.  As for me...  I choose the Lord.

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