
Why is the Bruce Jenner Story Important?

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

In recent days and weeks we have been bombarded with the story of Bruce Jenner becoming now Caitlin Jenner.  His story as a transgender is being heralded throughout all of the media.  He is receiving awards for his heroism in being so public about his transformation from a man to a woman.  He is promoted as a hero to be followed and emulated.  It's a long cry from the box of Wheaties and the decathlon victory for which he was once heralded. 

Many people ask the question about this story, why should we care?  What is the big deal?  Aren't there more important things going on in the world?  Well this is a big deal.  We should care about this story.  It is something very important in the world.  I know people will be thinking, c'mon, really?  Yes really.

This nation was founded upon and operated under the general principles that were found in the Bible.  People like to argue that point, but the evidence is too overwhelming to deny it.  This creates a problem for some people.  They don't want to live their lives under those principles and would rather live some other way.  Probably the most vocal and outspoken of those folks would be your LGBT and whatever other initials you can add to talk about sexuality that goes against what God has said in his word.  They can't have the nation with its morals based on something that says what they do is sinful and wrong.

So, you must go about changing the culture and moving it away from those biblical principles.  This began in the 60s when Bibles and prayers were removed from the school systems.  Now people would no longer be educated on those Biblical principles and they can began exchanging those morals for "newer more modern thinking". 

Within a decade, the sexual revolution had begun.  A whole generation was set out into early adulthood without those old fashioned principles binding them in any way.  Free love and sexual experimentation were the order of the day, in direct conflict with what God says in His word.  Homosexuality was taken off the mental disorder list as a first step towards its "normalcy" and away from it being "sinful" (along with other sexual activity).

Later years the fight was for acceptance of the gays.  They wanted to be recognized as legitimate and not seen as awful sinners.  This was easier to do with a population becoming less and less knowledgeable of Gods word.  After another decade, being gay wasn't really seen as such a bad thing.  It was just a lifestyle choice.  The measure of what was good or right was no longer the Bible, but just generally about what people thought was right.

There was a little setback in the 80s with the onset of AIDS and a slight return to more Christian values with a bit of a revival.  Many saw the AIDS epidemic as a direct punishment from God upon the sinful ways of the homosexual.  Certainly it can be said that the consequences of the lifestyle that was being led by many of them made them much more susceptible to the disease.  AIDS was turned around though and really became the most socially acceptable deadly disease ever.  A strong campaign was waged to shift people away from that thinking.  Instead of pointing out the sinful activity, the focus became "practicing safe gay sex".  Condom use became promoted as the cure all, even though it was useless in prevention. 

Another decade goes by and then comes the final push for "normalcy" of the sinful homosexual lifestyle.  The fight for gay marriage began; a drive to redefine what had been considered a Biblical god centered union of a man and woman was now being challenged.  The past two decades have been spent trying to undermine holy matrimony and moving it away from a union of a man and woman making a vow before God to merely a state sponsored contract between two persons.

The whole time this has gone on, the argument has been about redefining morality so that their activities would no longer be seen as something bad, but as something good.  In the process, what has happened is that to do this they had to make the ones who hold to the Biblical standard as the bad guys.  They have to hold the view that the entire foundation of morality that we based this country on was bad, wrong, and needed to be changed.  Also, those that held to those views were to be looked at as the new evil people. 

This brings us to where we are today with a 70 year old former male athlete getting all kinds of press, and a TV show, and awards given to Jenner.  Why?  Because the media is celebrating and promoting the new morality, the morality they want of the nation.  they are wanting a promoting a morality that goes against God, and against what He stands for.  And this takes us back to the verse I quoted at the beginning of this article, Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It is really the same argument we saw Satan use in the Garden of Eden back in the book of Genesis; Hath God said?  You won't surely die.  Behind all of this, and unknown to even many of those involved, are Satan and his demons.  It has always been his agenda to undermine God in any way he could.  The United States has for most of it's history been recognized by the principles under which they lived found in the Word of God.  Now we are falling under the wrath of God for our movement away from those principles.

We recently found out why the terrorists hate us so much.  Osama Bin Ladens papers were released and he told us why he hates the US.  One of the reasons he hated the west so much is because of its acceptance of gays.   He attacked civilians because we voted in leaders that allowed homosexuality to become normalized.  It wasn't the only grievance, but it was front and center.  He hated the US because we had moved away from those Biblical principles for which we once stood.  He was punishing us for our sins, sins clearly spelled out in the Bible. 

We spend all this time concerned over offending the terrorists because of pictures being drawn, or TV shows showing the prophet, or some other such silly thing.  We think we can appease them this way, but what it turns out is that to appease them really means that we need to return to the ways of God spelled out in the Holy Bible.  We need to stop promoting sin and glorifying sin.  This is why this Bruce Jenner transgender story is so important.  Bruce/Caitlin is now that face of the morality being shopped out by America. 

This is a main reason we have terror troubles.  We are promoting sinful lifestyles and trying to get other peoples of the world to live sinfully also.  How repulsive it must be for our leaders to be heard in many parts of the world calling for the acceptance and promotion of lifestyles that many find repugnant and evil.  This is why we are called the great Satan, because we are promoting satanic ways.  What is a Muslim, or Jew, or devout Christian to think when they see a pop magazine cover pasted with images of a man who is trying to be a woman?  Given awards on national TV because he doesn't know what sex he is?  Starring in a TV reality show that glorifies this perversion? 

Those of us who are serious believers need to take these things very seriously and get down on our knees, begging Gods forgiveness.  God writes, 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  We need to clean up our houses and be the shining examples of what Godly people are and what they stand for.  Then we need to take that message out.  It is the only way, and the only chance we have, now, before further judgement comes.  What we have seen with attacks, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, riots, unrest, and all the rest are just warnings meant to bring us to repentance before God fully removes His hand of protection from us. 

This is why the Bruce Jenner news is important.


Beth Marie said...

Well said!

K D Elizabeth said...

Sadly, Bruce Jenner has become the image of the condition of this nation. I am heart sick for the young people who are being led to applaud this. Mr. Jenner is not courageous, he's confused!
Scripture states, YHWH is not the author of confusion.