

Is it just me or are have we been seeing a lot of things exposed recently.  Most recently we are seeing two major things exposed.  We are seeing a political party exposed and we are seeing the exposure of the abortion practice. 

In the political world, the Donald has been used to expose the Republican party, FOX News, and the "conservative" world.  We can see on full display how the republican establishment goes about choosing one of their own and doing what it can to grease the wheels for them, and how vicious and mean spirited they can be when someone like Trump crashes their party and doesn't play by their rules.  They have been out to get him, and it was none the more obvious then in the debate. 

I have been a bit naive in the past that the republican party should be one where freedom is expected, and ideas welcomed.  Trumps candidacy is showing otherwise.  Yes, we have seen it slowly rearing its head since the last mid terms where the "establishment" seized power and drove out those nasty freedom loving tea partiers so they could get on with the business as usual in DC of ignoring the public and working side by side with democrats to undermine the will of the people.  But this early on presidential run has proven, out in the open, the republicans disdain for anyone not in their exclusive little republican club.  They think they are right and special because of the R by their name and how dare anyone challenge them.  They show nthat they will use any dorty trick they can to destroy another fellow republican who doesn't tow the line. 

The other issue that has been exposed the last couple months is the absolute horror and evil that has been operating in the abortion industry hiding under the positive guise as "womens health".  The absolute ghoulish and cavalier way that these folks talk about procedures to kill babies in such a way as to customize the haversting of human organs (which is againt the law).  I can't find the words to describe how this sickens and saddens me.  And to think this rotten practice has been going on hidden in the shadows for all these years....

There is a relation here.  We have seen now how the republican party uses this disgusting practice as a political ploy to get votes.  The establishment republicans who run congress have their little vote so they can say they are gainst abortion, while at the same time still allow it to go on.  We couldn't get the votes, you know, the rules...  Except that they can make their own voting rules and could stop it if they wanted.  We saw Mitch McConnel using the abortion issue as a tool to punish Ted Cruz for calling out the leader as the liar he is.  How can you toy with the murder of innocent babies just to make a political point and punish a fellow party member.  Doesn't saving lives take precedent to any of that?

And this takes us back to the original point, that the party is being exposed for who they truly are; democrat lite.  The democrats had come out of the closet at the onset of the Obama Presidency and are now openly statist and anti constitution.  they make no bones about it.  Now the Republicans too are being exposed as being not all that different.  They disdain those who truly love freedom and want us to return to constitutionality.  It eats away their power.

My other thoughts on all the exposures over the last decade or two, including things like molestation in the Catholic church, and how gay issue has exposed denominations, and other issues too, is this; with the exposure, it makes people responsible.  With the knowledge of what is going on, it makes people have to react to it.  When you don't react, you become complicit in the wrongdoings.  You become hard hearted towards wrong.  Judgment will be coming after exposure.  How that plays out will depend on how we react to these things. 

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