
A Dividing Line

A couple of months ago I started to notice something....  I wasn't sure what it was at the time.  As time has gone by it has been coming more and more into focus.  At first I thought it was just me.  Am I the only one noticing these things?  Or am I just viewing things differently now?  I realized that I was not the only one noticing these things.  Also I think in part that God is continuing to change me and mold me more and more into the likeness of His son.  What I was noticing were things happening and changing across society at large and things being exposed that were once hidden.  All of these things pertained to how we viewed God and whether we were submitted to His will and not our own.

The release of the abortion videos has frighteningly been largely a ho hum for many.  Most people who support abortion have not even bothered to watch them and think they are just conspiratorial lies.  Christians mostly have been totally appalled at the depth of the depravity to which we have fallen.  Unfortunately there seem to be some Christians who fall into the former group and not the latter.  It has further divided people and made harder their positions in most cases.  It is a situation that God cares a great deal about, and has judged nations over.

Then we had Donald Trump come on the scene.  His big entrance included some strong words on immigration.  People have further divided on this issue, but in this instance, it seems to have made people reverse course and go against what they had previously supported.  It also revealed more openly the hatred people hold in their heart for those who differ with them.  People have had horrible and yet superficial reactions to Trump.  He's just the facilitator as that would have come out at some point anyway, and has.  Whether people realize it or not, how we treat foreigners, strangers, and immigrants is very important to God.  I don't think either side has even considered that, nor when confronted with it seem to care very much.  Again, this was just another point exposed where people had to make a choice.  This too is an area where God has judged nations over. 

We had the gay marriage ruling in June that has now come to the point where the government is now jailing Christians for their beliefs in God.  This was a day long warned about but that most people felt assured would never come about.  How is two same sex people getting married supposed to affect anyone else?  It's their private business.  Except now we have Christians having their businesses, homes, livelihoods, and now even their freedom taken away as a result of this ruling.  This subject is even splitting the church as some denominations have become false religions that seem more interested in the lust of the flesh than the will of God.  It has completely finished removing us from our foundations on Godly principles with the judge jailing the clerk for her faith saying that it would be a bad precedent to allow Gods law to supersede the will of the court.  So we now have it declared that Government is above God.  Problem is, people are buying that argument.  Not surprising though since we are now in the 3rd full generation raised without the Bible or prayers being taught that we are just animals that sprang up accidentally from some prehistoric soup cocktail. 

Now more than ever before I feel this next election is not just about who our next leaders will be, but about whether we will accept or reject God.  Frankly, I think it is our last chance based on what I am seeing with God exposing all of the evils for everyone to see and forcing people to take a stand one way or another, for or against Yahweh. 

The silence of the Christian too may be seen as complicity in these things as well.  We not only have to just give lip service to our convictions in the Lord, but also stand up for what we believe with actions.  We need to speak out what we believe to a lost and crumbling nation.  We need to not fear what they may say or do to us, for if God be for us, who can be against us?  Now more than ever we need to be obedient to the word of God and set the example for others, even if it means jail or worse.  Again I hearken back to Esther, who knows if we were not put here for a time such as this?

The agenda of the evil one has been laid bare.  We have been given notice.  Choose this day who you are going to serve.  Will it be the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the Creator of the universe?  Or will you reject that path and take your own route or that of another god?  Wide is the path that leads to destruction, and narrow is the way that leads to life.  Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life.  no man comes to the father but by me.  You show that be being obedient to Him.  Jesus also says, if you love me, keep my commandments, not do as thou wilt.  

Judgment is coming.  God is still in control.  At this very moment He is working in the world and preparing His way.  We are either for him or against him.  It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.  We ought to obey God rather than men.

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